Why do we need Zoo Software? The 2022 Edition of the Zoo Management Systems

Food and medication schedules for animals in a zoo, as well as information on the meds themselves and how they are administered, are all managed using software specifically designed for zoos. Use of zoo management software allows zookeepers to track tasks, file reports, and keep records on animals and breeding programmes.

Some software is open source and free to use, while other software encompasses both the System Software and the Application Software. Using zoo management software, zookeepers may keep track of work orders and statistics on animals and breeding programmes.

To what end does The Zoo app cater?

Visitors’ demographic information and the length of time they spend at an exhibit may be used to tailor location-based messages on specific species and current conservation projects, in addition to display adoption, to each individual.

What Is Volgistics?

Volgistics is a web-based application used to manage volunteers and coordinators in the past, present, and future. Users may assign and monitor tasks across a broad range of organisations, from grassroots community shelters to global NGOs.

Users may collect information about prospective volunteers using the Volgistics online application forms.

Users may search for personnel and assignments by a variety of criteria, such as organisation, programme, branch office, department, event, etc. Volunteer hours may be tracked, and organisations can see who is late or has already left for the day.

Volunteers may be assigned many tasks by coordinators and supervisors, who then coordinate their schedules accordingly. Volunteers may be contacted in a number of ways, including via the site’s in-built chat system, and they’re alerted automatically if their schedules change.

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Volgistics users may personalise the application by changing the look and feel of the interface, including the names of fields and menus, scheduling features, and checklist items. Users may check off whether or not a volunteer has completed their orientation, health screening, background check, and evaluation using the Tickler checklist option, and can also see whether they are eligible for an award.

In addition, users may generate reports in Excel or PDF format that can be shared through email or stored in the system.

The Upsides of Volgistics

The fact that Volgistics may be accessed from anywhere in the world through the internet is perhaps its greatest selling point for widespread implementation. Volunteer information may be updated from anywhere, whether at home or on the road.

By logging onto their profiles via VicNet, volunteers may make changes to their contact information, sign up for open shifts, and see messages sent to them.

• When adding a new volunteer to Volgistics, you may choose to have them be tracked as an individual or as part of a team.

Users of Volgistics may tag volunteers with various descriptors, such as “adult,” “junior,” “employee,” “RSVP,” “periodic,” etc., and then search for those volunteers depending on those criteria.

• The “site level access” feature allows organisations to split their Volgistics database into two or more “sites,” with each “site” giving coordinators access to a unique subset of volunteer data.


ZooEasy is a tool that helps organisations and breeders of all kinds of animals improve their breeding success rates. You may rapidly generate pedigrees and calculate inbreeding rates with our online database. The ZooEasy website and its online database are accessible from any device. Check watch the video to get an overview of its many functions.

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As of this moment, ZooEasy has been used to house 5,820.579 animals for 2,061. This number is steadily growing thanks to their 9.274 users. Animals of all kinds may be easily registered with ZooEasy. Log in to your account to enter the specific details of your animals.

Use pedigree analysis and associated computations to determine the kinship of your animals. Maintain a secure repository for patient files and lab data from veterinarians. Get those reports printed and write down all the information you can on the outcome of the performance. You may expand your database to include information from other breeders as well. Therefore, ZooEasy is the best-organized breeders’ database available.

Altruistic Blackbaud

Blackbaud Altru is a cloud-hosted membership management system that may be used to regulate admissions and ticket sales, create a database of members, convert visitors and ticket buyers, handle inventory, and more. For cultural institutions like museums, zoos, aquariums, gardens, and scientific centres, Blackbaud Altru provides a comprehensive perspective of your visitors, members, and contributors so that you can better understand their habits and increase income.

Attendance, membership activities, donation amounts, and more may all be shown in one convenient location on the Blackbaud Altru dashboard, providing users with a complete image of their donors, members, and supporters. Users may track changes in membership status, cancellations, and more with these visual reports. The cloud-based technology allows for the selling of memberships and event tickets through mobile devices, the web, and at physical locations. Users may also buy and sell items and manage stock levels.

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It’s the Fourth Rocket Rez

Rocketrez is a point-of-sale (POS) and reservation software hosted in the cloud, ideal for high-traffic tourist attractions. Online sales, tickets, photos, private events, etc. are just some of the many aspects of your company that may be coordinated via our one platform.

Our cloud-based POS system streamlines all of your company’s sales channels and customer touchpoints into a single, intuitive interface. Keep in contact with attendees and potential new ones through email, SMS, and our customer relationship management system.

It’s ReCreate X, number five.

If you need a ticket tracking system, ReCreateX is your best bet. ReCreateX provides an all-encompassing answer for automating attractions like museums, zoos, and other tourist hotspots. More than 6,000 unique people utilise ReCreateX on a daily basis. As a result of its modular design, ReCreateX may be easily extended to meet future needs.

It’s clear that a lot of thought and effort went into designing the ReCreateX programme, and the result is impressive. Because of its scalability and ability to give data in “real-time,” ReCreateX is useful for both big and small projects. The ReCreateX platform ensures rapid and precise daily processing of millions of visitors, regardless of whether it is deployed as a client/server application or as a hosted solution.

Charli Mighell

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