Gum Lightening Services: Dentists’ Best Friend Or Worst Enemy?

Recently, the idea of bleaching your gums has become increasingly popular — and for good reason! Gum bleaching isn’t just about covering up dark spots or giving yourself that pearly-white smile you’ve always wanted (although if you do want to lighten your teeth, bleaching them can help!). When it comes to lightening gums, those pesky melanocytes are the real problem. Melanocytes are cells that produce melanin, which determines how dark or light your skin is, as well as your hair and eyes.


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The Pros Of Bleaching Your Gums:

Bleaching your gums can be a very effective way to get rid of discoloration, but it also comes with some drawbacks. For starters, the effects are only temporary and if you stop using the service, your gums will go back to their original color. In addition, because gum bleaching is done by burning away gum tissue with lasers, there is a potential for more serious side effects such as tooth sensitivity and receding gums. However, if you’re looking for a quick fix that doesn’t require invasive dental work then you should consider a gum bleaching service!

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The Cons Of Bleaching Your Gums:

The only downside to bleaching your gums is the cost. The procedure can cost anywhere from $800 to $2,000, depending on how much gum tissue needs to be removed and whether or not a patient needs a gum graft at the end of the process. It’s also a very long process — it takes about three months for all of the pigmentations to dissipate. And lastly, there is a chance that the treatment won’t work at all and you’ll need to get gum surgery.

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Final Thoughts On Bleaching:

In the past, dentists would perform gum lightening services by applying a chemical that would bleach the tissues. This was painful and not very effective. Now, dentists use lasers to target melanocytes in order to make a permanent change. While it does seem like an ideal solution for those with lighter gums who are looking for a quick fix, there are some potential drawbacks that you should be aware of before making the final decision.

Charli Mighell

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